Jen Thoden

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Jen Thoden is an Amazon bestselling author, speaker and entrepreneur. She is passionate about helping women discover who they are and what truly makes them happy. Her debut book, That's My Color: Discover Your 5 Signature Colors To Transform Your Life is an instant Amazon #1 best-seller. She covers topics on color analysis, authenticity and confidence at

Jen's mission is to help women transform into happier versions of themselves by being true and authentic.

Jen is the founder of Your Color Style® an exclusive color system comprising of color palettes, products and programs to help women over 40 discover the colors that make them shine. She has also launched the Your Color Style® consulting program that empowers individuals to build a business helping women discover their best colors.

Jen is the go-to expert on color, confidence and authenticity. Her expertise has been featured on Good Morning Washington, Good Day PA,, She Knows and Thrive Global.


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