Miraculous Healing After Any Type Of Trauma

With Theresa Vigarino

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To have the life you yearn for, Theresa passionately invites you to change your mind, align with a higher source and step into the paradigm shift that awaits you. In this inspiring conversation, she repeatedly paints pictures with her words, describing her visions and sharing metaphors that can create instantaneous healing. She urges you to step into your inner power, release a victim mindset and lead your life in a way that only you can.

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About Theresa Vigarino

With the unique combination of Neuroscience, Emotional Trauma Release, Activation of Christ Consciousness as a Clear Conscious Channel, Theresa weaves all of this into her client work, known as Soul Essence Alchemy.  Theresa has spent over 30 years cultivating, seeking, learning and experiencing to emerge as a conduit of healing for others.  Theresa is a mom of 2 children, Jessica and Steven,and is married to her best friend, Victor. She is a lover of nature, the animal kingdom and humankind.  She and her husband can be found rock climbing, or in her favorite place, Lake Tahoe.   Theresa and her family have recently founded a non-profit, for purpose organization, Mom’s House For Children.The mission of this effort is to provide unconditional love and support for orphans and vulnerable children in the world’s most impoverished locations.  


  1. Dori Seeley

    Dear Richa,
    Yesterday, I had a phone session with Dr. Lin Morel. She told me about this summit and I signed up to hopefully listen to your interview with her. Unfortunately I got the link to the talk only this morning and she was already gone.
    Is it possible to hear her as a repeat or could you still send it to me? I would very much appreciate it.

    • Richa Badami

      Hello dear Dori! Absolutely! We will be providing access to ALL interviews coming up shortly! Thank you thank you thank you Dr. Lin for bringing Dori to us. It was a fantastic interview, as you can imagine. I look forward to sharing it with you. Enjoy the rest of our speakers until then. Access will be provided on 10/12/20. Much gratitude and appreciation.


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