A Father’s Forgiveness And Freedom

With Sudhir Ahuja

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Despite a tumultuous journey in my childhood between my dad and I, we were able to experience deep healing in our lives both individually and in our relationship. This conversation was a peek into where we are today, after over 25 years of recovery in our father-daughter relationship, even though not consistently, and far from perfect. I loved how we were able to recreate a small piece of the exchange we originally had in person when our transformation journey first began.

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About Sudhir Ahuja

Sudhir Ahuja graduated from the Indian Institute of Technology, India, and had an entrepreneurial journey for 5 decades until retirement. His keen interest in theosophy, spirituality and scripture, led him on a path of personal growth, inner healing, transformation and discovery. He is a practicing Nichiren Buddhist and student of the Vedic scriptures. He recently celebrated his 50 years as a thespian of Indian theater.


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