Simple Steps To Create Your Personal Zen Zone
With Mina Fies
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I have been a witness to Mina’s incredible journey for over 10 years. Despite a childhood of trauma and abandonment, Mina found her way to the passion and calling of her life – creating sacred spaces. Brilliant, smart and funny, she brings ease, grace and so much love to this interview, sharing ways to begin healing our inner traumas, stresses and anxieties with small changes to our environments. She helps us in honoring both, the internal space, and that which we inhabit externally.
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About Mina Fies
Mina helps her clients create Sacred Spaces through transforming their external environments (homes and offices) and internal environments (mental, emotional and spiritual energies).
Overcoming a childhood full of trauma and loss has been her greatest teacher and the catalyst for Mina’s work. She combines her spiritual intuitive gifts and 20+ years of personal transformation training, with her experience as an entrepreneur and Zen Designer, to help others release what no longer serves them.
Mina believes finding our Sacred Space within allows us to go beyond what we think is possible and transcend our limitations to live a life of freedom and joy. She creates transformational experiences through sacred space makeovers, private guided sessions, and workshops and retreats.