Jennifer Hadley

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Jennifer Hadley has helped over 50,000 spiritual students to let go of the painful past and have more love in their lives.  Jennifer shares how to get out of your head and into your loving heart so you can help be of greater service in the world.  As a writer, speaker, teacher, and spiritual counselor, Jennifer offers daily inspiration and prayer, as well as workshops, classes, retreats, and programs for people who are ready to move beyond merely studying spirituality to deeply living it.  Jennifer hadley is the host of the popular A Course in Miracles weekly radio show on the <<>> online radio network since 2011 with hundreds of episodes available for download by podcast at itunes or stitcher.  For Jennifer’s Daily Shot of Spiritual Espresso blog and many other free offerings as well practical classes and training for deepening spiritual practice, eliminating anxiety and healing depression please visit


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