In Service To Uplift, Heal & Transform
With Craig Villani
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As a yoga teacher and trainer for over 20 years, Craig continues to grow both on and off the mat. He believes that the “teacher and the taught create the teaching” and jokingly calls himself “just a guy from New Jersey”! He shares his experience of trauma in close relationships and his own wounding growing up. In this interview, Craig shares wisdom that gives us pause, leads a brief guided meditation and extends an invitation to reframe our perspective.
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About Craig Villani
Craig Villani has been teaching yoga as a practice of presence for over two decades, and has led thousands of teachers to achieve professional certification. He currently Directs Raja Yoga Academy, and has traveled the world to speak, teach, learn, and listen. Now, he travels virtually.
As a transformational life coach and facilitator, Craig guides from a strong foundation in meditation, breath work, mindfulness, and yoga to be of service on the path that leads within.
A big fan of Maui sunsets and lazy Sundays, he’s pretty confident that enlightenment can be experienced in a shady hammock on a warm beach with an old guitar, a cool drink, and a good friend.
Craig trusts that our greatest teacher speaks from within, and that we’re all just remembering how to listen.
Core belief / favorite mantra: There’s always room for more Love.
You can connect with Craig directly to inquire about coaching and mentoring via
Thank you Richa and Craig for the inspiration and informatiion. I feel lighter after having listened.