You are in the Pilot Seat of your Life

With Elizabeth McCormick

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Despite historic accomplishments in her career as a one of the first 100 women to ever fly a Black Hawk Helicopter for the US Army, Elizabeth battled blatant bias, verbal attacks and physical abuse in her life. She persevered, fighting the system and toxic culture to find freedom from oppression in her life as a woman in the Army. In our conversation, Elizabeth opens up about one of the most challenging times in her life and how it forged her inner fortitude to create the life she absolutely loves.

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About Elizabeth McCormick

With her military career as a decorated US Army Black Hawk Helicopter Pilot (who flew air assault, top-secret intelligence missions, and transported high-level government VIP’s), Elizabeth McCormick shattered the glass ceiling in the Armed Forces, then in a corporate career and continues to rain glass as an in-demand international Keynote Speaker, and Leadership Specialist listed as one of the Top 5 “Leadership Experts to Follow Online.”

Her authority on Leadership, Business, and Veterans Issues is highly sought after with the media. She is frequently seen on ABC, CBS, NBC, FOX, CW, in the Wall Street Journal and more. Her personal development book, The P.I.L.O.T. Method; the Five Elemental Truths to Leading Yourself in Life, is a “must read” along with her 18+ business tip books in the Soar 2 Success series on leadership and entrepreneurial topics.

Elizabeth’s many military awards include the Meritorious Service Medal and Humanitarian Service Medal as well as the coveted Army Aviator “wings”. In 2011 Elizabeth received the US Congressional Veteran Commendation for her service to her country and community as a disabled veteran.

Elizabeth inspires audiences, sharing her pioneering and insightful aviation lessons learned in a dramatically memorable and action-oriented keynote presentation. As a premier leadership trainer and top performing founding member of the John Maxwell Team of speakers, she is a dynamic and energizing expert sought after for events around the world. 

Find out more at:


  1. Ellen

    Thank you for your generous gift and from sharing from your heart! You are courageous!

    • Richa Badami

      Ellen, it was really profound to watch Elizabeth open up with such vulnerability and honesty. Such an amazing leader and woman. Thank you for your reflections here.

  2. Ally

    Thank you for sharing your story and for the free gift.

  3. Angelika

    Dear Elizabeth,

    thanks so much for sharing, your bravery and honesty. And for your mission. I bow. Is the gift “how do you boost your inner fortitude” included in that mini- course
    “Master Your Motivation” or where can I find that?

    All the best to you.

    All the best to you.

  4. Coleen Merk

    This was a powerful message. Thank you for sharing. I too, was a very shy child.


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